
A full list of @SuppressWarnings options (per environment) are available here. In Eclipse… The list of tokens that can be used inside an SuppressWarning annotation is: all to suppress all warnings boxing to suppress warnings relative to boxing/unboxing operations cast to suppress warnings relative to cast operations dep-ann to suppress warnings relative to deprecated annotation… Continue reading @SuppressWarnings

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Remove Non-ASCII Chars

Quick snippet to remove non-ascii characters from a java string: String clean = dirty.replaceAll(“\\P{ASCII}+”, “”);

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Mail from Java

Sometimes you gotta send mail from outside an app server, in which case, this will get you started: Sending Mail with the JavaMail API You will need the JavaMail library (mail.jar) as well as the Java Activation Framework (activation.jar) to get it running…

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Java Profiler

The Java Profiler to use is apparently YourKit. It’s very reasonable at $500 per license. It’s also worth checking open source options, but you can also get a free 15 day eval of YourKit.

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EJB Annotation Cheat Sheet

Philipp Meier put together an excellent EJB Annotation Cheat Sheet for version 3.0.

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