Apache Fronting JBoss

I found this page gave me what I needed to set up mod_jk in Apache to sit in front of JBoss. http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/UsingModjk12WithJBoss

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JBoss Web Services Console

I found it rather hard to find this thanks to the generic words “web” “services” and “console”, but JBoss has a handy little console for their web services (if you use their implementation). It is available when JBoss is running at — http://{server-name}/jbossws — and can tell you what services are available, how many times… Continue reading JBoss Web Services Console

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Seam on JBoss AS 4.2

If you want to run JBoss Seam 1.2 on JBoss AS 4.2, you have to take a few extra steps… Luckily, those steps are chronicled here (by Michael Yuan) and here (by Nicolas Leroux). Oh, and Michael’s site has updated samples from his book.

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PermGen Errors

Keep getting PermGen out of memory errors? This is very prevalent during debugging as many platforms, such as JBoss, use up the space by re-creating classes with different classloaders (which is what you want when you’re debugging and restarting applications). There is a relatively easy fix though… increase the size allocated by the JVM on… Continue reading PermGen Errors

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JBoss as a Service on Windows

Want to run JBoss as a Windows Service? The old suggested solution was to use Java Service Wrapper, but the Wiki states it is no longer recommended. An alternative recently surfaced… The JBossWeb Project includes a native launcher that allows JBoss AS to be installed as a windows service. The tool uses your run.bat as… Continue reading JBoss as a Service on Windows

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