iPhone User Interface

Michael Yuan has a quick article about using Seam to program web apps for the iPhone in Seam. He’s using the iui framework, which looks pretty nice. It gives you the music player/everything look and feel in a web page. See the demo for an example.

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Java Profiler

The Java Profiler to use is apparently YourKit. It’s very reasonable at $500 per license. It’s also worth checking open source options, but you can also get a free 15 day eval of YourKit.

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EJB Annotation Cheat Sheet

Philipp Meier put together an excellent EJB Annotation Cheat Sheet for version 3.0.

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JavaScript Cookbook

No, not the O’Reily book, this is a good website that has a lot of JavaScript code, in case you find yourself in need… http://www.java2s.com/Code/JavaScript/CatalogJavaScript.htm As you might imagine, there are examples for more things in the entire website… http://java2s.com/

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Client Side Collapse/Expand

Want to do it directly with javascript? Here’s an example, including changing a collapse/expand button, that I snagged from somewhere…

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Block Enter Key Submit

Sometimes you want a form to submit when the enter key is pressed, most times you don’t… here’s the code to block it from happening…

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Phatch sounds like an interesting application… basically a batch processor for photos. I’ve been using ImageMagick for a while now, and it seems to have more options, but Phatch might have some good uses for pretty drop-shadows, etc. Something to play with later…

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Java 2 CS

I don’t code in C# very frequently, but every once in a while you need to hack something together for a small windows program… The site Java2cs has a nice, fairly usable reference for those of us used to the Java nomenclature and such. Every example includes a complete source file, which can be quite… Continue reading Java 2 CS

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SQL Server Management Studio

Ah… SQL Server. How I loathe thee. For example, here are all the annoying things that I have to remember. You specify a port number with a comma, not the standard colon: dbserver,1434 char fields return with padded spaces… I imagine I’ll add to this list as I find other things.

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JBoss Web Services Console

I found it rather hard to find this thanks to the generic words “web” “services” and “console”, but JBoss has a handy little console for their web services (if you use their implementation). It is available when JBoss is running at — http://{server-name}/jbossws — and can tell you what services are available, how many times… Continue reading JBoss Web Services Console

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