Growl Voice Fixer

[Update 2015 – GrowlVoice is no longer working.] Having grown frustrated with VoiceMac… I started googling and found this github script that will patch GrowlVoice so that it actually works again. Awesome! It’s too bad that the developer won’t fix the original app, but hey, it looks like he is kind of successful with other… Continue reading Growl Voice Fixer


Troubleshooting a Slow Mac

Here’s what I would recommend doing to figure out what is causing a Mac to be slow. If you’re getting the spinning beach ball a lot, you probably are hitting either CPU or Disk constraints. This will help identify what the cause is, after that you’ll have to figure out how to resolve the issue.

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Bookmarklet: Open in 1Password (iOS)

From MacStories – how you can create a bookmarklet to have a URL opened in the 1Password app from Safari. From the article: The URL scheme for opening website is far more useful for me. You can prepend “op” to a normal Safari URL to open it directly into 1Password. For instance, typing op in… Continue reading Bookmarklet: Open in 1Password (iOS)

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Windows Batch File – list all command line arguments

This is apparently very hard to google for… what I want is a simple windows .bat file that will echo back what the command line parameters are. Here it is in all its glory: @ECHO ON echo %0 %* pause; Also useful: @ECHO ON echo %0 %* > launch.txt notepad.exe launch.txt pause;

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Dynamic Classpath for Batch File

From Hapi, a great way to set the classpath for a batch file: @echo off for %%I IN (..\lib\*.jar) DO SET CP=!CP!;%%I java -cp %CP% com.example.Launcher And also for shell scripts: #! /bin/bash CP=”.” for i in ../lib/*.jar; do CP=$i:$CP; done java -cp $CP com.example.Launcher

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Power Management Settings on a Mac

There’s a wonderful command line utility on Macs called pmset. You can run the following command to see a log of what happens when your computer goes to sleep and wakes up… pmset -g log Using this, I was able to see the following entry that was slowing things down…

Turning off SafeSleep

Quoting completely from Remiel

Ever since the PowerBook G4, Apple notebooks use a system called Safe Sleep to restore your computer to working order after being left unattended for a while. With Safe Sleep, the current session is written to both RAM and your hard disk — RAM because waking up is faster that way, and the hard disk so that the system can safely go into hibernation if the battery drains while it’s asleep.

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Name Bench

Is your internet intermittently slow? It might be your DNS provider… use Name Bench to see what the best DNS server for you is…

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Calculate Age with SQL

Here’s a quickie… Calculate someone’s age with SQL: select dob, floor(datediff(day, dob, getDate()) / 365.25) as age from personnel

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Aqua Data Studio 6.5 with Java 1.6

I use an older version (6.5) of Aqua Data Studio (an excellent tool), but it recently broke on the Mac when Java 1.6 came out. There is a quick fix for this, as the problem was a few classes moving outside of the JRE’s default libs. Download this file and put it in Someone… Continue reading Aqua Data Studio 6.5 with Java 1.6
