Troubleshooting a Slow Mac

Here’s what I would recommend doing to figure out what is causing a Mac to be slow. If you’re getting the spinning beach ball a lot, you probably are hitting either CPU or Disk constraints. This will help identify what the cause is, after that you’ll have to figure out how to resolve the issue.

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Bookmarklet: Open in 1Password (iOS)

From MacStories – how you can create a bookmarklet to have a URL opened in the 1Password app from Safari. From the article: The URL scheme for opening website is far more useful for me. You can prepend “op” to a normal Safari URL to open it directly into 1Password. For instance, typing op in… Continue reading Bookmarklet: Open in 1Password (iOS)

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Windows Batch File – list all command line arguments

This is apparently very hard to google for… what I want is a simple windows .bat file that will echo back what the command line parameters are. Here it is in all its glory: @ECHO ON echo %0 %* pause; Also useful: @ECHO ON echo %0 %* > launch.txt notepad.exe launch.txt pause;

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Dynamic Classpath for Batch File

From Hapi, a great way to set the classpath for a batch file: @echo off for %%I IN (..\lib\*.jar) DO SET CP=!CP!;%%I java -cp %CP% com.example.Launcher And also for shell scripts: #! /bin/bash CP=”.” for i in ../lib/*.jar; do CP=$i:$CP; done java -cp $CP com.example.Launcher

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Name Bench

Is your internet intermittently slow? It might be your DNS provider… use Name Bench to see what the best DNS server for you is…

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Firefox Profile Info

Every once in a while, I seem to need to start with a fresh profile in Firefox… here’s the Mozilla support document on keeping only what you want… for me, passwords, bookmarks, and search plugins. Everything else is easier to reinstall…

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GeekTool and Calendaring

Here’s what I have on my desktop now, thanks to GeekTool and some simple one-line scripts. Here are the useful command line arguments:

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Firefox: Remember All Passwords

From cybernetnews… you can make it so websites can’t override the password saving feature in Firefox. Edit the file nsLoginManager.js, and modify line 770 to return false all the time.


I found an interesting set of Java tools at OnyxBits. Included is an animated gif maker, LDAP utilities, a program for drawing comics, and more.

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